Exploring the Art of Risk-Taking with Lambeau and Lombardi

In the realm of achievement, few stories resonate as powerfully as those of risk-takers who dared to defy the norm. Today, let’s embark on a journey into the world of strategic gambles, drawing inspiration from the trailblazers who not only transformed the Green Bay Packers but left an indelible mark on the fabric of success. […]
The Unseen Skills of the Great Coach: Part III

If you have been following along, you may be the owner of our third non-negotiable that great coaches have – A Growth Mindset. One could argue that all coaches have a growth mindset. They do not. The great coaches do. And like Emotional Intelligence, a growth mindset is not immediately visible. It can be challenging […]
The Unseen Skills of the Great Coach: Part II

Excellence and its Invisible Driver Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the hidden driver of excellence. It is no different in coaching. In coaching, it is indispensable—a must-have. Researchers Jonathan Chan and Clifford Mallett agree by stating that high-performance coaching requires more than instruction, skill and drills; it requires ‘soft skills’ such as EI, motivation, inspiration, conflict […]
The Unseen Skills of the Great Coach: Part I

Today’s collegiate and professional climate is competitive. It is a win-now climate. Thus, head coach selection has become one of the most important decisions a club owner, general manager (GM), University President, or athletic director (AD) will make. Search firms are often called upon to assist in finding the best candidates. And even this method […]
Everyone Needs A Coach

Coaches Impact. In Paris, France, nearly 10,500 athletes will represent their country next July in the 33rd Olympic games. The opening ceremony is a spectacle on its own. On display will be the greatest athletes in the world who all have one thing in common. And that one thing in common is undisputed. That one […]
George Karayiannis Believed

They said George Karayiannis was crazy. What he wanted to do would never work. He would be a fool to try. It was a lose-lose proposition. George had a vision. One he believed in. You see, George wanted to open a new hotel. You ask, what is the big deal? The concept was not just […]
Step 4: Life Says Get the Right People.

Losing is easy. Winning is hard. Life is a competitive game. If you win, someone else loses. If you get accepted into Law School, someone else doesn’t. Someone else doesn’t if you get the part in the school play. And this will happen for your entire life. So just accept it. Coach Coale strongly suggested […]
Step 3: Building a championship program with Hall of Fame Coach Sherri Coale.

Step Three: Less is More. The more you put in, the more you get out, is true. Working out more makes me stronger, fit, and look better. If I study more, I will improve my grades. The more money I invest, the more my portfolio will grow. That is the way it is. But only […]
Step 2: Building a championship program with Hall of Fame Coach Sherri Coale.

Step Two: Establish a Belief System. When building a championship athletic program (or an organization), Coach Sherri Coale stressed the importance of building a solid culture. Establishing a Belief System was critical to her program’s sustainable success within the culture she was constructing. What do we believe in? The answers fly in from various […]
Step 1: Building a championship program with Hall of Fame Coach Sherri Coale.

Step One: Culture First. When taking over the reins of an athletic program, there are several firsts you need to consider. One of the first things to consider is your philosophy on winning now versus building a culture to win later. It begs the question: Does winning produce a championship culture, or does establishing a […]