“I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among my people the greatest asset I possess, and the way to develop the best in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.”  – Charles Schwab  Charles Schwab’s quote should resonate with everyone reading this post. Anyone who has either been on the front end of providing or […]

Do you have a Board of Directors?

According to researchers at Cornell University, the average adult will make 35,000 decisions in a day. Of those decisions, a select few may make a difference in your life. These decisions could be financial, relationship-driven, career-oriented, or about your physical or mental health. Making the correct choice requires one to look at all options and […]

DB Cooper & Your Vision

Every year about this time, the New Year’s resolutions made three weeks ago begin to fade. Although this statement leans on little research – a few articles, you know as well as I do most resolutions fail. Some reports say 54 percent fail; others say 80 percent. I tilt towards the latter. Regardless, call Draft […]

What George Bailey Taught us

Leadership. What is your style? There are several styles. There are autocratic, situational, transactional, and transformational, to name a few. Regardless of your leadership style, there is one style all great leaders must own. They must have. It is servant leadership.  To be a servant leader, you do one thing. You serve others. You are […]

Leading you and others

Winning is always acceptable but losing is not. But if everyone succeeded, there would be no need to make changes at the top or at all. In athletics, it is a head coach; in business, a CEO; or education, a principal. To turn around any organization. To take losers and turn them into winners. What […]

Personal Mastery

You build great teams and organizations with people, good people, and the right people. Great leaders of exceptional organizations are influencers and motivators. They inspire and mentor. They strive for the full development of their people. They encourage, push, serve, and solve and attack problems with a solution-oriented approach. These are a few of the […]

Surrounded By Winners

I often ask my players; do you want to work standing up or sitting down? Do you aspire to have a job or a career? Now, understand I am not saying either a job or working standing up is a bad thing. You can still make a positive impact on the lives of others. But […]